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Jan23, 2021

How to achieve your New Year Resolution

Yes, we went there!

Cause let’s face it, we’ve all had that one resolution which just constantly keeps featuring as the new year resolution year after year after year. It’s time to break that routine.

Here are some ways you can make your new year resolution stick:

Baby Steps

Let’s say if your goal is to workout more this year, so you start with giving yourself a target of going to the gym thrice a week. Remember you can bring about changes when you incorporate a pattern and that happens best when done gradually.

Make Replacements

We forget that our unhealthy and damaging choices have developed over a course of time. This also means that developing newer healthier choices will also take time. The mistake we do while trying to get back on the right track is that we overwhelm ourselves by bringing back all the healthier changes at once. This is where your resolution breaks. Try making one replacement for a week or two weeks, then once you’ve attained that, target the next positive change you’d like to bring about. This not just helps you achieve your goals but every replacement also boosts your self-confidence.


Chat with family and friends about how your resolution is going. You’d be surprised with who else in your circle is probably trying to or has attained what you’re aiming to. Discussing challenges and accomplishments with a like-minded individual can greatly smoothen your journey.

Seek Support When Needed

If you’re finding sticking to your resolution extremely difficult, then maybe you should consider seeking professional help. Perhaps the pressure of quitting a bad habit can have you feeling swamped, this could cause high stress and anxiety levels in your body which could then trickle into other segments of your life. Psychologists are equipped to help you understand the relation between your body and your mind. Damaging choices don’t always need to only be ones that you can physically see. By seeking professional help, you might be able to exactly place a finger at which issues you truly need to bring attention to.

On that note, we’ll politely leave our link right here, should you be interested in speaking to some of Dubai’s best psychologists. Click on it to get a free mini consultation with the right expert for you.

Here’s to a happier 2021 for us all.

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