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When needing to tackle a problem at work, or appear for a test, or make an important decision, or go for an interview, it’s common for us all to experience occasional anxiety. This level of anxiety is often considered beneficial as it helps us take note of dangerous situations and focus our attention on maintaining our safety. However, when this worry becomes intense, persistent, and excessive, it leads to a constant fear of everyday situations, also known as an anxiety disorder.

Being out of proportion to the actual danger, it becomes difficult to control such anxiety and panic and also stays for prolonged periods of time. People try to prevent these feelings by avoiding certain situations and places, which makes it very difficult for them to get through the day.

Below is a brief breakdown of symptoms associated with anxiety disorders:

There are various types of disorders under the umbrella term of anxiety, such as social anxiety, generalized anxiety disorder, separation anxiety disorder, and specific phobias, each presenting in a different manner. Symptoms of anxiety disorders may begin during childhood or teen years and continue into adulthood, which is why it is important to note that it is easier to treat your anxiety if you get help early, as your worries will not go away on their own and may even get worse over time.

We, at Cambridge Medical Centre, understand the struggles arising from mental health conditions and continually work towards providing you with the treatment you may require. In hope of being your safe space, we encourage you to reach out to us should you or anyone you know be suffering from increased levels of anxiety that are disturbing your life.

To have a consultation with one of our qualified team of clinicians, you can call the Cambridge Medical Centre on: +971 4 554 3245, or alternatively, you can book online by clicking here.

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CMC also provides support for families and caregivers.

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